To date, MBEC Assay® testing has been featured in 100s of peer-reviewed publications. The MBEC Assay® method is now approved by ASTM (E2799-17).
MBEC Assay® testing provides the following:
- Qualitative data package (MIC, MBC, MBEC)
- Quantitative data package (log reduction)
- Quorum Sensing Inhibitor testing
- Synergy testing
- MBEC Assay® lids can be coated with
- poly-L-lysine,
- hydroxyapatite,
- cellulose,
- titanium dioxide
- and custom coatings to fit your needs

Related Articles: MBEC Assay®
- Ruggedness and reproducibility of the MBEC biofilm disinfectant efficacy test
- Microtiter susceptibility testing of microbes growing on peg lids: a miniaturized biofilm model for high-throughput screening
- Interspecies variation in Candida biofilm formation studied using the Calgary biofilm device
- Investigating the suitability of the Calgary Biofilm Device for assessing the antimicrobial efficacy of new agents
- The Calgary Biofilm Device: New Technology for Rapid Determination of Antibiotic Susceptibilities of Bacterial Biofilms
- The MBEC Assay™ System: multiple equivalent biofilms for antibiotic and biocide susceptibility testing
- Characterization of biofilm growth and biocide susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium phlei using the MBEC Assay® system.
- Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) versus minimum biofilm eliminating concentration (MBEC) in evaluation of antibiotic sensitivity of gram-negative bacilli causing peritonitis
- Differences in biofilm and planktonic cell mediated reduction of metalloid oxyanions.
- Biofilm susceptibility to metal toxicity
- Metal resistance in Candida biofilms
- Comparative Assessment of the Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus Isolates from Bovine Mastitis in Biofilm Versus Planktonic Culture.
- A novel technique for evaluating the activity of biocides against biofilm bacteria
- High throughput metal susceptibility testing of microbial biofilms
- Persister cells, the biofilm matrix and tolerance to metal cations in biofilm and planktonic Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
- Quorum-Sensing Mutations Affect Attachment and Stability of Burkholderia cenocepacia Biofilms
- The GacS sensor kinase controls phenotypic reversion of small colony variants isolated from biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14
- Effects of the twin-arginine translocase on the structure and antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli biofilms
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- 40+ years of collective experience.
- Knowledge to test a wide range of products.
- Experience testing under aerobic, anaerobic and microaerophilic conditions.
- Experience testing bacterial and fungal strains.
- Experience testing medical devices, textiles, as well as agricultural and oilfield products.